One on One Training
Level 1 - $500
5 Sessions
Teaching Basic Obedience on leash.
Asking for wanted behaviors such as Sit, Down, Come, and Place.
Creating Leash Manners on site.
*Training Tools sold separately
Level 2 - $500
5 Sessions
Proofing and generalizing the Basic Obedience taught in Level 1.
Transitioning to using a long line to further teach wanted behaviors.
Addressing State of Mind.
Increasing duration on place and longer distance distractions.
Improving Leash Manners on site and working towards “off leash”.
*Training Tools sold separately
Level 3 - $500
5 Sessions
Transitioning to Ecollar.
Pairing what was learned in Level 1 and Level 2 to transition into “off leash” obedience.
Giving commands from a distance.
Taking it to the Streets - Applying learned obedience with real world distractions off site in our neighborhood.
*Training Tools sold separately
What to bring to your One on One Sessions
Please be sure to bring the following to each of your sessions with us:
Your dog’s kibble or favorite treats
A treat pouch or bag to carry your dog’s food in
A 6 foot leash
Recommended Supplies for Home
We strongly recommend having a Place Cot at home to continue your work between our training sessions.
You can find our favorite Place Cot to use at Please purchase a cot (any brand) before your fist session with us so you can be all set at home.
We also strongly recommend having a Crate to proactively manage behaviors inside the home.
Leashes & dog gear - Ruff Threads
Group Classes
Geared towards select Level 2 Graduates & Level 3 students and graduates.